Request to transfer to Term 4 2024

You can find your CID/GID on official communication with UNSW College, eg your Confirmation of Enrolment or Offer Letter.
I confirm I would like my application to be transferred to UNSW Sydney, and to receive a new Letter of Offer from UNSW Sydney for the UNSW Diploma commencing in November 2024, still leading to the same UNSW Sydney degree.  I understand that:
  • I will be studying a UNSW Sydney Diploma, delivered by UNSW College, that leads directly into my chosen UNSW Sydney bachelor degree program.  
  • My application will be transferred to UNSW Sydney, which will issue me a new offer for the UNSW Diploma.
  • My UNSW College Diploma offer will be cancelled and any deposit / tuition fees paid to UNSW College will be transferred directly to UNSW Sydney.