SS Term Timetable Planning - Term 1 2023
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Lecturer Name
Staff ID
Teaching Structure
Enter the course teaching contact hours here. If you know the other lecturers please add them also.
Teaching Weeks
Weeks 1-5 and 7-10
Weeks 1-5
Weeks 7-10
Please indicate the weeks you will be teaching. There will be no teaching in week 6.
Separate Assessment Activity
Provide details for all assessments, weeks scheduled and preferred location. If assessment is during Lecture hour, please specify which lecture hour it will be so we can make that hour "clash free". For Course levels 3 and above, we will change the Lecture activity to "Seminar" to avoid 'unlimited' lecture clash's (unless otherwise requested). For Level 1 and 2 courses, note all lecture hours are clash permitted, unless otherwise requested to opt out.
Teaching Pattern
If you wish to have multiple tutorials before or after the lecture. Use this section to describe tutorial patterns : eg week 2-10. Enter NA if no preference
Common courses
Please indicate if there are any courses to be taught jointly or whether courses taught same day and times and days but not in the same class etc.
Lecturer/s Name/s for LEC-1
Lecturer/s Name/s for LEC-2
Lecturer/s Name/s for LEC-3
Lecture "in person" - assumed recorded (day & time timetabled)
Lecture "online only" - assumed recorded (day & time timetabled)
Web lecture asynchronous - pre-recorded (no day/time but is timetabled)
Hybrid - Two streams - one online mode (unlimited size), one hybrid location limited to room.
WEB lectures are all recorded, unless specifically advised.
Preferred Teaching time
UG Core: Mon-Fri 0900 to 1800
UG Early: Mon-Fri 0800 to 1800
UG Evening: Mon-Thu 1800 start
PG Evening: Mon-Fri 1800 start
PG Evening: Mon-Thu 1800 start
PG Evening: Mon-Thu 1900 start
PG Afternoon: Mon-Thu 1200 to 1800, Fri 1400 to 1600
PG Afternoon: Mon-Thu 1600 start
PG Afternoon: Mon-Thu 1700 start
PG Daytime: Mon-Fri 1000 to 1800
PG Morning: Mon-Fri 0900-1300
Fri 1600 start
Fri 1800 start
No preference
hour/s and weeks
hour/s and weeks
Teaching location preference
No Preference
Ainsworth (G03) (Hybrid)
Ainsworth Building
Applied Science
Business (105,115,119) (Hybrid)
Central Lecture Block (CLB 1) (Hybrid)
Central Lecture Block
Clancy Auditorium
Electrical Engineering
Goldstein Building
Keith Burrows Theatre
Law Building (Law 203) (Hybrid)
Mathews Theatres (101,102,103,107) (Hybrid)
Morven Brown
Old Main Building
Physics Theatre
Quadrangle (G25,G26,G27,1045) (Hybrid)
Red Centre East (SOM)
Red Centre West (BltEnvir)
Rex Vowels Theatre
Rex Vowels Theatre (Hybrid)
Rupert Myers Theatre
Science and Engineering Building (new)
The Columbo Theatre
The Science Theatre
The Tyree Building
The Webster Building
Please select referred locations, noting Hybrid locations are identified. Refer to website for location / resource details:
Teaching Resources Required
Blackboard Wide
Whiteboard & Blackboard
DVD Player
Document Camera
Slide Projector
Dual Video Projectors
IT Laptop Connection (VGA only)
IT Laptop Connection (VGA + HDMI)
It Lecturn - Computer & CWN
Lecture Capture Venue
Collaborative learning space (Low tech) - standard tut/sem room but with more whiteboards
Interactive Learning Space (High tech) - these are tut/sem rooms but with more computers, set into pod layout. Note: Mat 101 is high tech, Mat106 is low tech (also called collaborative)
Please indicate your required teaching requirement/resources
Teaching Resources
Please indicate your teaching requirements for Audio and Visual
Computer Labs
Please indicate if you require a Computer Lab
Preferred lab
Lab Teaching Weeks
Please indicate any special request such as Tuts even weeks and Labs odd weeks such as Labs 1,3,5,7,9 Tuts 2,4,8,10
Lab or Class Test
Do you require a Computer Lab booked for your lab test?
Lab or Class Test Week
Please indicate which week/s you require a lab or room booked for a test if this is not in your normal teaching structure. Please provide as much info as possible.
Additional Requests
Other requests/comments
NB: Please also consider if you have tut/sem/lab capacity preferences that differ past terms, please advise.
Please indicate any additional requests or requirements
Thank you! If you need to complete the form again for another course please submit another form.
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