Marking duties

If you expect to be away for any period between the start of exams and the end of the deferred exams, please indicate that here even if you have already discussed this with the Head of School, Head of Department or Director of First Year.
Describe any exam setting work during the term that goes beyond the traditional paper exam setting and should be considered when assigning exam marking duties.
Exam style
Please fill out the details below for each course where you are a course authority.
Course 1
Compared to last year, how much time should be allocated to marking by hand? Exams in the same format and length as last year are 100%. Exams with automatically marked parts will be less than 100%.
Course 2
Known commitments
Please indicate any known commitments you have to mark an exam this semester. Click on "course X" to open that section if needed.
Course 1
Course 2
Course 3
Course 4
Course 5
Existing arrangements
If you are in charge of a large course and have already made arrangements to share the marking, please indicate those arrangements below.
Marker 1
Marker 2
Marker 3
Marker 4
Marker 5