Applied honours presentations evaluation

Assessor and Speaker information
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Marking Guide: - Add the mark for each criteria (out of 10). - or eyeball like previous years: Mainly unsatisfactory: < 33 // Mainly Satisfactory: ~33-41 // Mainly Excellent: ~41-47 // Mainly Outstanding: 48-50.
Engagement: Showing enthusiasm and being interactive.
Visual Presentation: Clear slides (not crowded nor confused) with good use of figures or visual aids. No inconsistencies.
Verbal Discussion: Explaining and expanding upon the slides clearly, with sufficient details.
Timing (expected 15 +/-2 mins): Finishing on time (15 +/- 2minutes) with an appropriate depth of presentation.
Questions: Answering questions confidently, referring to the presentation.
Marking Guide: - Add the mark for each criteria (out of 10). - or eyeball like previous years: Mainly unsatisfactory: < 33 // Mainly Satisfactory: ~33-41 // Mainly Excellent: ~41-47 // Mainly Outstanding: 48-50.
Level of presentation: Explaining and pitching the content well and at right technical level.
Motivation for study: Clearly presenting a relevant motivation to the study.
Description of method: Describing the methods in sufficient detail.
Description of results: Clearly describing the results and their broader significance.
Knowledge displayed: Displaying mastery of research topic and knowledge in the field.